Security remains a top concern for over 70% of MSPs amidst increased remote work, and customer sensitivity is at an all-time high with frequent news of cyberattacks.
Savvy IT partners are stepping up to respond to today’s security threats, while translating the demand for security into new opportunities to drive revenue growth and customer relevance. It’s a daunting task, but with the right tools, expertise, and learnings, there’s ample opportunity to move the needle.
Join us for a conversation on how you can use SkyKick Cloud Manager to get there faster. We’ll provide 5 concrete ways partners are already using Cloud Manager to improve security management, including:
- Identity and email protection, including cross-customer check and remediation for key factors that impact Microsoft Secure and Compliance Scores
- Information governance policies, including Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and retention policies and labels
- Microsoft Teams security, from baseline configuration to custom configurations for high-risk customers
- Security-related help desk requests, including quarantined emails, password resets, and permission changes
NOTE: MSPs aren’t strangers to cyber threats and standing up robust internal security practices is job #1. Join us for a second webinar in this series to see how to strengthen the security posture of your cloud operations and help desk with Cloud Manager.
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